Monday, April 28, 2014

It's Been Called a Sisterhood

I was just getting ready to tip Mazzy back in the tub, and wash her hair, when my phone rang. "Hi Jodi, are you guys home?" came a worried voice through the phone. "Yeah! what's up?" I replied. The sweet worried mother on the other end was calling because her son appeared to be having an allergic reaction. The reaction was slow to develop, and it was hard to know for sure what was causing his symptoms. But, she just felt like something wasn't quite right. I made my way to her house, and together we talked about his symptoms. We discussed what our doctors had instructed us to do, and finally I supported her in the decision to take a trip to the E.R. Turns out, he was having a mild allergic reaction. They administered the needed treatment, and kept him for observation to make sure the reaction didn't progress.

When we first found out Mazzy had a peanut allergy, I had no idea how much this diagnosis would change our lives. One day as I scoured the internet for tips and tricks to help me navigate this complex new world I came across a comment, or post, or blog, I can't really remember what or where, but the words stuck with me...They referred to this community of Mom's working to keep their children safe as a "Sisterhood". At the time the words stuck, but I didn't truly feel their meaning. Last night as a knelt next to this loving mother, and her scared little boy, I felt the true weight of these words. I was grateful to know if I find myself in a similar situation, she would be there to walk me through my anxiety ridden thought process. I didn't do much last night, but reinforce her thoughts, and make her feel comfortable and confident in her decisions. But, I know how valuable that little bit of help can be in a confused and panicked moment.

 I am so blessed to know other Mom's that live within blocks of my home, that face the same challenges, and can offer tons of great advice and ideas. Not only am I blessed with the companionship of these wonderful sisters, but I have found wonderful support and friendship through many I have met online. It is amazing to have the ability to sign on to Facebook or Twitter, post a question, and to receive back words of wisdom and encouragement from other Moms facing the same trials within minutes.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing support system out there. It stinks that allergies have gotten so much more common than they once were, but in this has come the opportunity to be able to reach out and support each other through this trial. I know that I am not alone in this, and am grateful to be a part of this sisterhood.