Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Auvi-q vs. EpiPen From a Food Allergy Moms Perspective

Ever wonder what the differences between Auvi-Q and EpiPenjr. are? Well I'm here to give you the short version...because lets face it nobody has all day to sit around and read about auto-injectors. I've also included a link to each companies website. They both have great instructional videos, that can clear up some of the confusion.

- Tried and true, this injector has been on the market for a very long time, and has had plenty of time to prove themselves.
- Come in sets of two, with a handy clip to keep them together. Also includes a trainer for practice.
- Larger and not as convenient to carry, but there are tons of carrier cases you can buy that make them a bit easier to keep with you.
- Solution window allows you to check for discoloration of medication.
- Administration includes a swinging motion into your thigh (kind of like stabbing yourself, or your child, in the leg)
- Requires 10 second injection. ( No big deal unless your injecting a squirming and terrified toddler)
- After injection an orange safety guard drops down to cover the exposed needle. However, the needle does not retract, and I've heard it can break off in you leg. :(


- New kid on the block, still working to spread education, and prove themselves.
- Come in sets of two, with a trainer. But no handy clip...so they often roll around separately in the bottom of my purse.
- Small in size, making them the perfect size to stick in your pocket.
- Solution window allows you to check for discoloration of medication.
- Administration includes simply placing the item on your outer thigh, and pressing firmly until you hear a click. (Quite a bit less intimidating to me)
- Requires a 5 second injection.
- Needle retracts automatically so it's not likely to break off.
- Auvi-Q also has an automated voice that walks you through each step of the injection. (great for caretakers, or panicky moms)


I am not a physician, allergist, pharmacist, or expert...I am just a food allergy Mom. I am simply putting things as a see them, and of course you should always counsel with a doctor to know what's best for you and your little one.

Are you an Epi or Auvi family? and Why?

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